Chocolate…yes please…

I’ve always loved chocolate. Dark, dark plain chocolate. No fancy bits, extras and shapes. Just pure, unadulterated, plain yummy chocolate. My chocolate consumption in the past had been somewhat sporadic. A small chunk on the odd evening, not allowing myself much more, due to booze weight gain. Now I am sober my choccy habit has increased. Maybe a third of a 180g bar will disappear on a sofa, netflix watching evening. Am I worried that I’m consuming too much, or that maybe its becoming a little too habitual? Well no, not in the way I was about alcohol. Its healthier, I don’t have a weight issue (though some may think I do) since I lost a lot of weight since my sobriety journey. So I don’t go to bed and wake up regretting my evenings consumption. I am wondering if it affects my mood, post sugar withdrawal. But in comparison to my post alcohol mood its way better, and I certainly don’t need to sleep it off the next day. A big bowl of muesli in the morning perks me right up again. I don’t think about chocolate all day, but I do get slightly irritated if I don’t have my scrummy bar of Tony Chocoloney in the house. But a quick raid of the kids cupboard and voila a bit of milk choccy or a cookie will do the trick. Its my treat, but its not my new friend. I can take it or leave it. It is a habit, it has similar traits as my alcohol habit. But its so much better for me and a lot less life ruining. So I’ll keep this habit.